St. Paul's Loon Lake
Vergas, Minnesota
9:30am Sunday School
9:30am Bible Study
Fellowship after service
Worship Service
10:30 a.m.
Congregational Leadership for 2023
Pastor: Rev. Del Stohs
Secretary: Bonnie Sonnenberg
Church Office: 218-342-2379
Position Name Phone
President Myron Gunderson 218-342-3406
Vice President Jon Gorentz 218-234-8057
Secretary Kim Kratzke 218-342-3015
Treasurer Kris Moltzan 218-234-7664
Elder Dean Haarstick 218-234-0373
Elder John Schultz 218-342-2087
Elder Gene Wischnak 218-342-2284
Trustee David Colosky 218-342-2606
Trustee Zepherin Richter 612-518-8663
Trustee Bonnie Sonnenberg 218-234-3005
Board of Ed Renae Schrupp 218-234-6672
Board of Ed Angie Getz 320-760-6232
Board of Ed Carrie Kellogg 218-234-5906
Cemetery Walter Wallace 218-342-2238
Cemetery Rich Greenland 218-298-4848
Cemetery, treas. Mark Sonnenberg 218-342-3157
Cemetery Jon Gorentz 218-234-8057
Altar Committee Phylis Fick 218-342-2873
Altar Committee Sheila Horn 218-342-3602
Altar Committee Donna Hoffman 218-342-2838
Head Usher Troy Tieden 530-945-0581
JLL Board Kris Thon 218-234-6019
JLL Board Karin Lundgren 218-841-0966
JLL Board Susan Tieden 530-945-0830
JLL Board Jenni Richter 612-840-1719
Finance Com Chair Sonya Gunderson 218-342-3406
Finance Committee Henry & Polly Moltzan 218-342-2154
Finance Committee Jennifer Graphenteen 218-841-7949
Finance Committee Walter & Diana Wallace 218-342-2238
LWML President Annette Gorentz 218-342-2603